Worksheet Sample

As part of the Recovery and Resilience Community you will have access to a variety of worksheets.  Below is an example.


Creating Crisis

A crisis is anything that causes discomfort. When you are uncomfortable, you look for alternatives. Generally, little crises cause little changes, and big crises cause big changes. Motivation is your desire to move towards pleasure/happiness and away from pain/stress/anger. When something happens that makes it unpleasant to stay the same (a crisis), you try to change. But, if you start to change, and it seems worse, then you will likely abandon your efforts to change, and stay the same.   Think about the last time you tried to go on a diet, start exercising or quit smoking. You had your reasons for wanting to change and making that resolution. You were motivated. When the going got tough, you asked yourself, is all of this struggle really worth it? If you said no, it is not worth it, then guess what, you probably went back to your old ways. If it was worth the effort, you reminded yourself of all the reasons the struggle was worth the effort and tried to continue.
In this activity, you will explore previous times when you have wanted to change.

What I wanted to change: Lose weight
Why I wanted to change it: Clothes did not fit well. Low Energy. Habit eating.
What was uncomfortable about the change: Having to reduce intake
Why the crises (changing and dealing with the discomfort) were worth it: Longer term happiness was more important than relieving short term discomfort

What you wanted to change: ____________________________________________________________
Why you wanted to change it (the crisis) ____________________________________________________
What was uncomfortable about the change (the other crisis) _______________________________________
Why the crises (changing and dealing with the discomfort) were worth it. ______________________________

Reason I don’t want to change: ___________________________________________________________
Alternate activities to meet the same needs: __________________________________________________
